About Heartland Quilting
Quilting is located on a ranch in Nebraska. My
name is Becky and I'm a full time wife and mother
of 4. I've been interested in crafting for about
10 years. I started off on my crafting adventure
with cross stitching then ventured into
crocheting. I've been crocheting for 10 years and
have been practicing the art of handquilting
since 1993.
The first quilt I made was a Lone Star quilt. I
have to giggle about a newbie like me taking on a
quilt like that! I went to the library and
checked out a book with the pattern. I began to
wonder what I was getting myself into as I began
to cut out each diamond piece one by one - I was
so green I didn't have any idea what a rotary
cutter was! But wait, it gets even better. I had
such a time trying to sew the strips together
with the sewing machine that I finally ended up
piecing the majority of the quilt together by
hand. As I got closer to the end of the piecing
process I was finally adept enough to finish with
the sewing machine. This is a picture of my First
The first arduous process of making my first
quilt birthed my love for handquilting. I must
admit though that piecing a quilt together is not
my favorite part. I much prefer taking a quilt
top, putting it together with the backing and
batting then quilting it by hand which is why I
enjoy finishing quilts others have created.
At the time of this writting (06/21/01) I have
hand quilted about 32 quilts since I began
quilting. I have taken pictures of several of the
quilts I did. Unfortunately, I didn't have a very
good camera so they don't scan very well. I'm
hoping that the pictures I take of the quilts I'm
working on now will come out better as I have a
digital camera.
I'd like to thank you for stopping by. I hope you
enjoy your look around and find a little
something to take away with you. If you have any
questions, comments/suggestions feel free to drop
me an e-mail.
� 2000-2001
Heartland Quilting/Becky Kramer All rights
reserved. This document may not be copied or
reproduced, in whole or in part, in any manner
without the written consent of Heartland
Quilting/Becky Kramer. All international rights

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